- 1 whole roasting chicken (4-5lbs)
- 1 bunch green onions
- 1 bunch red beets w/tops
- 1 bunch white radishes
- 1 bunch garlic scapes
- 1 bunch spinach
- 1 head soil grown romaine
- 1 dozen free range organic eggs
- 1 quart strawberries

ohhhhh man.  I feel like we hit the jackpot.  Well, we fee like that EVERY week when we pick up our CSA, but for some reason this week made us giddy.  Perhaps it's the fact that US is playing England in World Cup soccer in less than an hour.  Perhaps it's the lovely CLE weather.  Whatever the factors, this has the makings of a great week.  Stay tuned for some new recipes from the greek wonder that is Kate!

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