So we're 5 weeks into the season, and I have to admit.  This may have been one of the best investments we've made in a while.  I mean, how can you go wrong with FOOD, let alone fresh, local, produce?  We've recently been talking about maybe going for the large bag next year.  Trust me, the small bag has PLENTY of food in it (especially for what you pay for it), but seeing how much enjoyment we've both gotten out of cooking and eating through the small bag, paying a little bit more for some extras might just be worth it.    Well, this is our week 4 bag contents.  Stay posted for new dishes and experiments.  OH!  I almost forgot.  Kate made cereal yesterday for us to eat (using wheat and oat bran, milk, brown sugar). I can't wait to dig in!
1 bunch beets with tops 

-          2 ct green zucchini

-          2 ct summer squash (straight-neck variety)

-          1 slicing cucumber

-          1 sweet onion

-          1 lb green beans

-          1 bunch “red lights” swiss chard

-          1 head red oakleaf lettuce

-          2 lbs dark cherries

-          2 lbs organic cornmeal

-          1 half-gallon milk 
- ADD ONS:  We also got some mustard greens and blueberries this week as well.  

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