I have struggled with a chronic pain condition for the last 8 years and last year I decided I was going to challenge myself to a half marathon. I started training June of last year for the Cleveland half that would be in May 2010. Unfortunately, I somehow injured my knee in October and wasn't able to run for the next 6 months. I was pretty disappointed that I didn't meet my goal but then I remembered that there was still time in 2010! So, after my knee miraculously healed I started training for the Cleveland Towpath Half Marathon in Oct. 2010. It hasn't always gone as smoothly as I would like but I keep reminding myself that life is a marathon, not a sprint. I just have to finish, it doesn't matter how slow I go to get the job done. While running yesterday I was rocking out to my jams (I love my new Ipod Nano that has a radio!) and dreaming about dinner. I was only out on a 30 minute run and it ended much worse than it started, but the thought of this delicious dinner kept me going. I love me some carbs! Also to my delight this dish photographed as good as it tasted.
Kale Whole Wheat Fettucini
**Swiss chard is another one of my favorite greens and goes well with a fatty meat like bacon. If you're meat free, pine nuts and cranberries are also delicious! This recipe made enough for the two of us to have large helpings and leftovers for lunch.

1 lb fresh whole wheat fettuccine (Source: Ohio City Pasta, FFM)
1-2 lb Kale: any kind of you like (Source: FFM)
1 large onion sliced thinly on a mandolin- 1/4" thick
3-4 cloves garlic diced
red pepper flakes
olive oil
8 oz bacon (Source: New Creation Farm, FFM)
2-3 oz chevre (Source: Lucky Penny Farm)

Clean and destem your chard. You will probably feel like you have way too much chard. You don't, trust me. It will cook down to a manageable portion. Slice up your onions and dice your garlic. Bring salted water to a boil. Cook up your bacon and chop coarsely.

Heat olive oil in skillet on medium-high heat and cook your onions 'til golden. Carefully add the chard in batches, allowing each batch to cook down a little bit before adding the next to make room in the pan. When swiss chard is all in the pan, let it wilt down about 5+ minutes. Add garlic and red pepper flakes S&P and cook for another 5 minutes or so until the chard is tender but still green. Cook pasta to al dente- fresh pasta takes about 4-6 minutes. Drain pasta and add to skillet with your greens. Toss in the bacon. Serve with a dollop of chevre or crumbled feta on top.

**Note about the chevre: Lucky Penny gave me a 4 oz container of the chevre about 2 or so weeks ago. I used most of it in the cheesecakes last week and it was still good this week, despite being past it's "use by date" which was a pleasant surprise!

Kirsten Pentek
6/28/2010 12:55:31 am

I'm enjoying reading your blog, as I subscribe to Fresh Fork too. We made your poached eggs and greens the other day. Thanks for the recipe!

I ran the CLE 1/2 marathon in May - keep running!


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