I dread coming down with a summer cold. There's nothing worse than getting sick in the summer other than both you and your hubby getting sick in the summer. It feels like double the punishment. As if being sick isn't bad enough, laying in bed and sleeping through the brief days of sunshine we have in Ohio seems just plain cruel. I originally had pretty grand plans for the beet greens- which you can see in the above picture was the focus today rather than just the beets themselves. Then I got the CSA email for next week and revised my plan. Then I came home from work early and slept for two hours and nothing involving beet greens sounded too appetizing to me. And then I had an epiphany. Biscuits! Biscuits and gravy! That would make me feel better for sure! But then I realized I might feel better briefly, but gravy probably wasn't a brilliant idea. I stuck with my biscuit idea, but swapped the gravy for greens and the sausage for farm fresh eggs. I was dubious that the greens would be all that appealing considering how icky we both felt, but in the end this improvisation was a smash hit for both of us. I'm just glad we hadn't lost our sense of taste yet! Here's hoping its one of those 24 hour flu/cold type things and our house gets back to normal soon.
Green Eggs Minus the Ham
**Swap out beet greens for any green you might have on hand. Make sure your skillet is nice and hot when you cook 'em up since they will release quite a bit of liquid. Poached eggs have been somewhat of a magic trick I haven't quite mastered, probably due to my lack of patience. Hubby followed the directions in Ad Hoc at Home by Thomas Keller and they were perfect. Setting the timer for an exact 1.5 minutes definitely helped.

Fresh Biscuits: I followed a recipe in The Joy of Cooking and they came out great (especially with the butter I still have from last weeks CSA bundle), but use your favorite recipe or stop at Popeyes and get some for a fast dinner

3-4 Farm fresh eggs (Source: Martha's Farm)
Beet Greens (Source: FFM)
Spinach (Source: FFM)
1-2 cloves garlic
1-2 TBL spicy brown mustard

Bake your biscuits if you haven't already. Keep warm while you prepare the eggs and greens. Bring salted water to boil in a deep saucepan for eggs. Meanwhile, wash and prep your greens. Heat a skillet with olive oil or butter on medium heat. Saute greens until wilted and S&P. Add garlic when greens are almost ready, about 5 minutes after you first placed them in the pan. While greens finish cooking, poach your eggs one at a time for about 1.5 minutes for a soft yolk. Before plating, add 1 TBL of spicy brown mustard to greens and toss to coat. Plate up your biscuits, greens and then eggs. S&P the eggs and serve while piping hot. A little swiss or gruyere would be delicious shaved over the top, but I didn't have any so I skipped it. 

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