I never wanted this blog to become anything more personal than two poor scientists trying to eat locally and sharing my love of photography and food with anyone that would listen. I'm still not entirely sure how personal I want to get, but writing has always been therapeutic to me. Never a regular journal keeper as my thoughts are often too quick for my pen, I find that typing out life's circumstances is far easier for me. Of course there are definite benefits and drawbacks to this approach- one being that it is so fast you can write (and publish for all to see) something out on the world wide web that you might not really want everyone and their mother knowing. On the other hand, that delete key is mighty handy when editing my thoughts.

At any rate, you have noticed by now that there has been significant upheaval in the ChewsLocal home. I'd rather not get into particulars but the good news is that food has still been a comfort to me. Now, grocery shopping on the other hand was surprisingly difficult to do on my own for the first time in years. I had to stop myself from shopping for two instead of one, and at the same time it was exhilarating to purchase only my favorites. I'm not going to lie, some gummy bears and a Kit Kat found their way into my shopping cart, but hey, I figure I deserve it. The life I thought I had came crashing down about two weeks ago, I'm training for a half marathon (and in this ridiculous heat I hear you burn more calories, or at least that's what I keep telling myself), and I had a thesis committee meeting yesterday. A little chocolate and high fructose corn syrup never hurt anyone. Besides, I tempered it with half a pound of grapes. That counts for something right?

This week I plan to try to cook 3-4 dinners. The most I've tried since branching out on my own. I find myself healing through the cooking process, even if it's painful to remember that I don't have a sous chef anymore. There's something very satisfying about taking raw ingredients and turning them into something delicious. In the quietness of cooking for one (and I'm not going to lie, I always have left overs!) there is a bitter-sweetness to the activity. But then I remember something that I said nearly a year ago in an interview about how my college experience had positively influenced my life.

If you open yourself up to the will of God, He will bless you
immeasurably. It may not always be in your time or in the way you asked,
but when He blesses you, it is abundant.

I have not talked much about my faith on this blog, but it is what is sustaining me along with the fresh local ingredients from God's bountiful earth provided through Fresh Fork Market at this most difficult time. I would not have chosen these circumstances for myself, but I know that I will be blessed abundantly for submitting myself to His will. There is no other way to live when something like this happens. There is always hope for a better tomorrow.

This week's bounty includes (sorry no pic, my camera battery was dead! But I will charge it up for the meals this week!!):

6 ears Super Sweet Corn
1 slicing cucumber
2 Lancelot Leeks
1 lb romano green beans
1 lb romano gold beans
2 pieces patty pan squash
1 lb Berkshire pork Chorizo sausage
1 bunch cilantro
1 pint cherry tomatoes
1 head red leaf lettuce
6 oz grassfed raw-milk Gouda
And God Said "No"- Author Unknown
I asked God to take away my pride and God said, "no." He said it was not for Him to take away, but for me to give up.

I asked God to take away my illness, and God said, "no." He said the body is only temporary.

I asked God to grant me patience and God said, "no." He said patience is a by-product of tribulation. It isn't granted, it's earned.

I asked God to give me happiness and God said, "no." He said He gives His blessings. Happiness is up to me.

I asked God to spare me from pain and God said, "no." He said sufferings draw you apart from worldly cares and bring you closer to Him.

I asked God to make my spirit grow and God said, "no." He said I must grow on my own, but He will prune to make me fruitful.

I asked God if He loved me and God said, "yes." He gave His only Son who died for me and I will be in heaven someday because I believe.

I asked God to help me love others as much as He loves me and God said, "Ah, finally, you have the idea."
7/17/2010 01:36:46 pm

I am so happy you are coming next month and am eager to treat you to yummy homemade food here! I am glad you tackled the chocolate beet cake; I am always leery of baking. I am going to Cancun Wednesday to shop a bit and hope to find quinoa or amarynth at least. See you soon!


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